Why do many people get addicted to games? A mechanism people keep doing a thing has something in common with game design.
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If you get lazy about your work just because you get low salary and low evaluation, you’ll get into trouble later on.
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A human being doesn’t have “logical thinking skills” as nature. The skills requires persistent training.
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When you want to communicate with someone, It’s better to write than to speak, but the much more efficient way is to make a system.
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The reason why a manager claimed, “it is important to give up employees who don’t grow up for a long period
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Team achievement depends on “the most incompetent member”, not on “the most competent member”.
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A president said, “We hire those who have changed jobs many times because… ”
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When a boss is truly capable, he/she would tell his/her team not to blindly listen to him/her.
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From blog to book
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A president said, “I would never endeavor to motivate my employees. Manager training is absolutely unnecessary.”
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Why you need to push yourself to do something difficult
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The reason why employees do not like performance-based pay systems
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What factor makes “A Man of Action”?
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Some got laid off, some remained and worked to turn the company around. What factor divided the two groups?
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”What we expect from our new employees”. A company’s guidelines hit the nail on the head.
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A single dividing line between ”Entrepreneurs” and ”Non-entrepreneurs”
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Learning from “successful” cases is harder than learning from “non-successful” ones
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Job Interviewer: “Have you taken a leadership role?” Student: “Yes. I was a leader of a student club at my university” Job interviews show how Japanese people regard “Leadership”.
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A president said, “Work is merely a magnificent time killer”; Are we working merely to keep ourselves busy?
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A huge difference between “I want to try it” and “I tried it”
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Thought leaders” vs “Do leaders
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“Vegetable wastes” : The celery, cabbage, broccoli, carrot, why not on the market?
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We will support famers in Kochi, Japan to study the reality of Japanese agriculture.
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A leader’s decision
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What a shock! : Japanet Takata is weakening
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A job candidate posed a tough question to his interviewers
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The difference between articulate speakers and non-articulate ones
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6 things to reduce stress at work
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The only advice to anxious junior employees saying “I haven’t been making much progress in work”
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Passionate speech backfires
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